Emyr is a charming Welsh boy’s name and is composed of 2 syllables Em-yr and best of all it’s fairly easy for the non-Welsh speaker to pronounce.
Meaning of Emyr
Emyr is a variant of the name Ynyr and it means ‘emperor’ or ‘king’ in Welsh.
In the ONS study of baby boys’ names in 2017, Emyr was not in the 100 most popular Welsh names.
Famous People
Here is our list of famous people from Wales with the first name Emyr:

Although the Emyr name is not all that popular, their some men who have made the best out their name.
Welsh Author, poet, and novelist Emyr Humphreys published over twenty novels and was awarded many times for his work. Humphreys also become a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature during his years of writing.
Another familiar name is Emyr Lewis an international Rugby player who obtained forty-one caps between the years of nineteen ninety-one and nineteen ninety-six.
Sir Emyr Jones Perry retired a British Diplomat and is a former British Permanent Representative to the United Nations and NATO.
Emyr Hughes is a Welsh footballer who commenced his career with Swansea City before moving on to Manchester City and Wigan.
Useful Resources
- Other names you might be interested in are Emrys and Emlyn.
- See our full list of Welsh boy’s names.
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