Meaning of the Name Brynmor
The name Brynmor is a wonderfully special name. The Welsh meaning of Brynmor is “great hill”. So while the meaning isn’t exactly spectacular the name itself is.
The name Brynmor actually comes from a place in northwest Wales called Gwynedd.
Famous People with the Name
The name has graced many types of celebrities such as Brynmor Williams a professional rugby player. It is also the namesake of a Celtic and rock band. There is also a horse breed with the name Brynmor. A well known university in Yorkshire, England has their library named “Brynmor Jones Library”.
Variation in the Boy’s Name Brynmor
Brynmor is often shorten the name to just Bryn.
There are also variant spellings of the name Brynmore (non Welsh). There is Brinmor, Brinmore, Brinnmor, Brinnmore, Brynmore, Brynnmor, and Brynnmore.
Also there are names that are similar in spelling and sounding to Brynmor if you’re looking for something else. They are Barner, Bernard, Bernarr, Brenner, Brinmor, Brinnmor, Brinnmore, Brynnmor, Brynnmore, Bhramara, Boromir, Branimir, and Bjørnar.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning of other Welsh boys’ names on our website