
Mabon and the Name’s Meaning

The Mabon ap Modron name is one that many people have heard of but never knew the source of. The meaning of Mabon is the son of Modron, and it comes from the depths of Welsh history. You will hear this name come to life when you are looking into its meaning, and it has a sort of feeling that is a lot different from other male names. Mabon ap Modron was a figure from Welsh literature and was a member of King Arthur’s war band.

Another thought about the meaning of the name could be from, ‘Mab’ which is the Welsh name for son and Mabon is said to be derived from the name Maponos which means “Great Son”.


The popularity of Mabon has never been that high. In 2017 it was not in the top 100 baby boys names in Wales, but it might rise when people realise what it means. You will find that your Welsh heritage comes back to you in this beautiful name.

Why Choose the name Mabon?

You should consider this name because want it to have some punch as a first name or a lovely and soft middle name. The name has that lilting Welsh pronunciation that you have never heard before, and it could be a name that was buried in your family line but you want to bring back in one of your future children.

Looking at the history of this name and it is related to King Arthur, you’ll surely be choosing this name for a strong and brave character.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh boys’ names.

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