Meaning and Origin of the Name Aron
Name Aron, which is also spelt as “Aaron” or “Arron” is a baby boy name, which came from the Holy book Bible, is known to be a Welsh (Aron), English and Irish name (Aaron).
Meaning of Aron, one the most unique name “Aron” it is believed to be derived from an unknown Egyptian origin, Hebrew.
In Hebrew, the meaning of Aron is “Exalted” (noble or elevated), “lofty” (Inspired) or “high mountain”. According to the Holy book Bible the “Aron, was the first priest of Israelis (in the old testament, the word meant ‘brother of Moses).
In search of a unique, exceptional name for babies, the popularity of Aron has grown over time, being one of the most popular names in the United States in the year 1994.
However, Aron was not in the top 100 baby boys names in Wales in 2017.
Famous People with the Name Aron or Aarons
Here are a few famous people with the name:

This list even includes great personalities like the Welsh professional footballer Aaron Ramsey, famous basketball player Aron John Baynes, British Diplomat Michael Aron, and the king of Rock and roll Elvis Aron Presley.
The word Aron is also borne from the name of the popular Saint Aaron of Aleth. He was a hermit, monk and an abbot at a monastery near Aleth in Brittany.
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