The Meaning of Myrddin
Originally Merlin, the meaning of the Welsh name Myrddin is Hawk or Sea Fort, from The Sea Fortress.
The name is pronounced Mur-thin, it can be classified as a Welsh name, a Celtic name, or a Mythological name.
Famous People Named Myrddin

Most often used as boys names there are quite a few famous people that have had the name Myrddin including but not limited to Myrddin Fardd, a Welsh writer and antiquarian scholar.
Myrddin Wyllt (Myrddin the wild) a medieval Welsh legend. The wizard in Arthurian Legend Merlin.
Popularity of Myrddin
The popularity of the name Myrddin has been very elusive, what my search has turned up is that as of two thousand fifteen it has yet to reach the top 100 list in Wales. It did however reach the 408th most popular name in France in two thousand fifteen.
History of Myrddin
The name Myrddins first reference was in 1275 C.E. in a poem called “Armes Pyrdein”, and again in 12th century Arthurian tales by Geoffery of Monmouth.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh boys’ names.