Category Archives: name


Meaning of the Name Emrys

Emrys (pronounced EM-riss) is a strong Welsh boys name with an extensive historical background. Saint Ambrose is said to have influenced the introduction of the name Emrys and in fact Ambrose and Emrys are often referred to as equivalents. The meaning of Emrys and Ambrose both refer to the Greek word “ambrosios” meaning “immortal.”

Historical People with the Name

Historical figures and characters of legend carry the Emrys name, among them: Emrys ap Iwan, a literary critic who became famous for his contributions to Welsh Nationalism, Emrys Hughes, an important Welsh Labour Politician and the character Merlin, the great wizard of Arthurian legend. While the name Emrys has many historical and exalted ties, the popularity of Emrys has waned.

Historical People with the Name

As of 2013, Emrys has not made the top 100 most popular baby boy’s name in Wales, according to the latest government statistics. Emrys is a name that speaks to the history and the legacy of the Welsh people as well as highlights legends that have entertained and taught Welsh people for centuries.

Useful Resources

  • Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh names on our website.


Origin of the Name

  • It’s derived from the Brittonic name Caratacus, borne by a first-century British chieftain who resisted the Roman invasion.
Caratacus was a Welsh warrior
Caratacus was a Welsh warrior
  • Caradog translates to “lover of battle” or “friend of Caratauc.”

History of the Welsh name Caradog

Even though the name “Caradoc” and its different structures were in no way, shape or form exceptional amid the Middle Ages, it is plausible a percentage of the Caradocs alluded to in Welsh family histories and hagiographies such as the Life of St. Tatheus are the same individual. Because of the name’s commonness impressive disarray exists about Caradoc’s character, both verifiable and abstract. He may have gotten to be mistaken for the British legend Caratacus (the Latin manifestation of Caradoc), Cerdic of Wessex and any number of British history’s later Caradocs. His parentage fluctuates from content to content; he is known as the child of Llyr Marini (conceivably inferring Llyr) a few times in the Mabinogion, and a Breton legend recognizes a Caradoc the Elder, assisting the muddling.

A few archaeologists decipher Caradog Freichfras as a conceivable chronicled figure, otherwise called Caradoc ap Ynyr, who was the leader of Gwent around the 6th century and was based at Caerwent, the prior Roman town of Venta Silurum. They translate his name as a recognition of the prior legend Caratacus, inferring a progression of convention from the pre-roman society of the Silures who involved the same range in what is currently south-east Wales, and which is likewise recommended by other material.

The popularity of Caradog

Caradog is an uncommon name in Wales and beyond, though it has seen a slight resurgence in recent years. In 2022 Caradog was not in the top 100 most popular boys’ names in Wales.

Caradog variations

Caradog has several variations, including:

  • Caradoc
  • Craddock
  • Caratacus
  • Cadog

Useful Resources

Check out other boys’ names on this website.


Meaning and Origin of Tecwyn

The name Tecwyn is a Welsh boy’s name that means “fair” and “white.” It dates back to at least the 6th century, for there was a Saint Tecwyn during that time. He had been the founder of the church in Llandecwyn, a village in the county Gwynedd (North Wales).

Tecwyn was supposedly one of the many sons of the Gaulish prince Ithel Hael. They were apparently all devout men who founded churches, for they all became saints. Tecwyn accompanied the abbot Cadfan, who was also eventually canonized, to Britain. Tecwyn is the patron saint of the village Llandecwyn.

In the 1990s, Tecwyn was the name of a character from a popular children’s show Tecwyn y Tractor, which was about a friendly and helpful tractor. The Welsh-language show was based on a series of stories written by Margiad Roberts. She was a Welsh farmer who originally wrote the stories to amuse her children.


Tecwyn is not a popular name even in Wales. In 2013, it was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names.

The popularity of Tecwyn is extremely low in the United States. It is the 412,723rd most popular name there. It is most common in Wisconsin and Florida, each of which has three people named Tecwyn.

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names on our website.


Information Regarding the name Tudur

Expecting parents who are looking to name their son Tudur name their boy after a possible variant of the name Theodore, likely Tewdwr. When examining the different, acceptable methods of writing this name, the name of Tudor seems to be most prevalent for obvious historical reasons mentioned in the second half of this article.

Meaning of Tudur

The root meaning of Tudur is derived from the words for “king,” “tribe,” “power,” and “people”.


Those parents who are curious about the popularity of Tudur as a boy’s name are cautioned that this name placed nowhere within the 100 most popular baby names mentioned in the most recent poll in 2013 taken by the government.

Famous People with the Name

Famous Individuals, Real or Fictional, With the Name of Tudur or Tudor

  • Tudur Phillips is a television personality from the Stwnsh children’s network.
  • Owain Tudor Jones is a Welsh footballer and went on to represent Wales in FIFA.
  • Sir Owen Tudor was a Welsh soldier who went on to start the Tudor lineage of nobility.
  • Tudor Vladimirescu was a Wallachian revolutionary of the 1800s.

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History of the Name Gruffudd

Gruffudd is a popular Welsh name for boys, meaning “strong lord”. The name is thought to have originated from the Common Brittonic name Grippiud or Gripuid.

The Gruffudd name is a Welsh boy’s name that’s an old form of the name Griffith. It is pronounced, “GRUF fith.” Variant spellings of the name include “Griffin,” “Gruffud,” and “Gruffydd.” Gruffudd evolved from the names Gripuid and Grippiud, and it was the ancestor of some names like Gruffydd.

Gruffudd is a name with a rich history in Wales. It was the name of several Welsh kings and princes, including Gruffudd ap Llywelyn, the last king of Wales. The name is also associated with a number of other notable Welsh figures, including the poet Gruffudd Fychan and the composer Gruffudd ab Adda.

People with the Name Gruffudd

The name dates back to at least the Middle Ages. The Welsh prince, Llywelyn the Great, had a son named Gruffudd (or Gruffydd) ap Llywelyn (1198 – 1244), with ap meaning “son of.” Gruffydd ap Rhys (c. 1081 – 1137) was a prince who ruled Deheubarth and fought the Normans. Gruffudd and its variants were common names among medieval Welsh royalty.

Gruffudd dates back to the Middle Ages
Gruffudd dates back to the Middle Ages

Gruffudd and its variants are still sometimes used today. Gruffudd Glyn, for example, is an actor who has performed in “Thor: The Dark World” and “The Theory of Everything.” He will also be in an upcoming movie called “The Martian.”
The meaning of Gruffudd is “prince” or “strong lord.” Some say it also means “red-haired.”


In recent years, the name Gruffudd has seen a resurgence in popularity in Wales. It is now one of the most popular Welsh names for boys and is often ranked in the top 100 most popular names in Wales.

Although the spelling Gruffudd was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in Wales, Gruffydd was in 93rd position in 2021.

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How popular is the name Deiniol?

As of 2013, the Deiniol name wasn’t found in the top 100 most popular baby boy names in Wales according to the Office for National Statistics.


The Meaning of Deiniol is “Good is my judge”. It’s the Welsh form of Daniel. The name has a Hebrew origin as it comes from the prophet turned writer of the book of Daniel. The Welsh roots of the name are attractive or charming.

How to Pronounce Deiniol

Deiniol  can be pronounced as “die-knee-ee-ol”.

Famous People and Places with the Name Deiniol

There have been at least two famous people with the name Deiniol over the years, and at least one shopping centre with the name Deinol. Saint Deiniol was the first Bishop of Bangor in the Kingdom of Gwynedd, Wales. The Saint was the first known person to use the name in Wales. Deiniol William Thomas Graham is a former Welsh football player turned manager. North Wales has Deiniol Shopping Centre with about 20 shops.

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History of the Name Geraint

The Geraint name has a long and interesting history as a Welsh boy’s name. Historically Geraint was the King of Dumonia from the 7th to 8th century, as Sir Geraint in the Arthurian legend as well as Welsh folk tales such as “Geraint and Enid.” He was a brave warrior and king who was one of the “Three Seafarers of the Isle of Britain,” though there is some debate as to whether he existed.

Meaning of Geraint

The meaning of Geraint is unknown but is sometimes seen as “belonging to me” or “old man” from the Greek “geron” meaning old. Learning how to pronounce Geraint looks difficult but is actually very simple, say the “Ger” to rhyme with “glare” and “raint” to rhyme with “pint,” with the emphasis on “Ger.”


The popularity of Geraint has been low especially outside of Wales, with some minimal usage in the mid to late 1990s, therefore it would be ideal for parents looking for a name that is unusual and with a historical and folkloric background. In 2013, it was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in Wales.

Famous People with the Name

Some famous bearers of the name Geraint include: Geraint Davies and Geraint Lewis Welsh rugby players, Geraint Jones and English cricketer, Geraint Thomas the cyclist, and Geraint Wyn Davies the actor.

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Meaning and Origin of Rhain

The boy’s name Rhain is most popular amongst most Welsh speaking communities. It is a uncommon name for boys and the moment, not even making most top 1000 lists for baby names . It is of a Celtic/Welsh origin. The meaning of Rhain is “spear” or “lance”.

Famous People with the Name

Many kings and rulers have carried this name through history. Rhain ap Cadwgan was an 8th – century king of Dyfed and Brycheiniog. Another great King, Rhain ap Maredudd, was also a king in Dyfed who was succeeded by his brother Owain. Eventually Rhain ap Maredudd had a son, Triffyn, take over the throne from his uncle. His lineage is included in the Harleian Genealogies. There were also some rather interesting rulers. Rhain the Irishman claimed to be the son of Maredudd ap Owain and was accepted as royalty by the people, however, it is unknown if he was in fact relation.


In conclusion, Rhain is a strong name meaning “spear” and has been carried by many rulers in Welsh history. Although it is a rather uncommon name it is mostly used for boys in Welsh speaking communities.

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Selwyn, a name with a sense of strength and camaraderie, boasts a rich history within Wales. Let’s explore its potential origins and the meaning it carries.

Origin and Popularity Selwyn

Selwyn was not one of the 100 most popular baby names in 2021 in Wales, but it is still a very good choice. The Selwyn name was originally a surname and later gained popularity as a given name, after the famous Bishop from the 19th century, George Augustus Selwyn.

Selwyn a friend in the castle
Selwyn, a friend in the castle

The meaning of Selwyn is quite simple. It originates from the combination of two words, sel, which means castle, and wyn which translates to friend. Thus the meaning of Selwyn is friend in the castle.

Famous People Called Selwyn

The popularity of Selwyn is low, as it is quite uncommon, but this just means it is unique and stands out more.

While Selwyn wasn’t historically among the most popular Welsh names (was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in 2021), it gained recognition in the 19th century, possibly influenced by the famous Bishop George Augustus Selwyn. Today, it remains a distinctive choice for parents seeking a name rich in history.

Famous People

This includes Sewlyn Roberts, who has gained fame as a movie and television producer, as well as a director. Among his most famous films are Muppet Treasure Island and X-men 2. Other famous people named Selwyn include British party politician Selwyn Lloyd, as well as the character Selwyn Froggit from the TV show, Oh No, It’s Selwyn Froggitt!

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History of the Name Maredudd

The Maredudd name is the masculine form of the Welsh name and surname, Meredith. This interesting yet rare name was often used by high authorities in Wales, mostly princes and kings.
Some of the famous figures possessing this name included Maredudd ab Owain (king of Wales in the 10th century), Maredudd ap Gruffydd (prince in Southwest Wales), Maredudd ap Bleddyn (king of eastern Wales) and many more.

What was the meaning of this unique name?

Because Maredudd is a derivative of Meredith, the meaning of Maredudd is generally determined to be “great chief.” Other possible meanings, for the male derivative of Meredith, include “great lord” or even “sea lord.”


The popularity of Maredudd was at its peak from the 11th century up into 13th century Wales. This was roughly in the days of the time period where the language, Middle Welsh, was prevalent, which were the years between 1150-1300s. In the present day, Maredudd is a quite a rare name.

Variations of the Name

Maredud, with one ending ‘d’ instead of two, was a common alternate spelling of the name. Much earlier variants of this name include “Mredydd” and “Meredydd.”

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