Meaning and Origin of the Name Gruffydd
There are many unique baby boy names you can find nowadays. But there is one boy named Gruffydd that will stand out for your little one. The name Gruffydd is a Welsh name for boys in the amazing UK.
Gruffydd has derived from the Old Welsh name Grippiud. The ‘udd’ part of the name meaning Lord or prince.
Some people say the meaning of Gruffydd for your little boy means adorable Prince but the ‘adorable’ part of the name remains uncertain.
Variations in the Name
Griffith, Gruffudd, Gruffydd, Griff
The name is not as common as others names on lists of baby boy names. Gruffydd has a small count on the popular chart of names in the UK and wasn’t in the top 100 baby boys names in Wales in 2019.
Famous People with the Name

The popularity of Gruffydd might be uncommon and not high on the charts, but there was a great famous king in 1055 whose name was Gruffydd ap Llywelyn.
He was a great and mighty king. Who was the first son of late King Llywelyn. The King of Wales was a very uncommon and unique title that was given to the kings. There was one king named Gruffydd ap Cynan that was known to be the Kings of all Wales in 1081.
There is another man that he was on the Britain’s Got Talent his name was Gruffydd Wyn he is a one of the singers that made it on the famous watched show.
You’re looking for a name for your baby boy that is unique and creative in the UK then you have to go for Gruffydd let your baby boy be the Prince in your life.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names.