Meaning and Origin of the Name Gwyndaf
The name Gwyndaf is still used for a lot of Welsh families. It could be the perfect choice for a lot of young boys. Learn a little about Gwyndaf and what the name means to people these days.
Saint Gwyndaf was certainly an influential figure in the history of Wales. People living in the region will recognise that name when they hear it. Pass on the name to a young boy to keep that heritage alive and well over the years.
Gwyndaf was not in the top 100 baby boys names in Wales in 2017.
Famous People with the Name Gwyndaf

Saint Gwyndaf came centuries ago from Brittany to meet the Welsh. He founded a local church and promoted a religion for the rugged country. That nation would be founded and built a culture around Saint Gwyndaf. Even today, he is recognised for his leadership in some significant ways. There is a holy well located near that same church, used even to today.
Gwyndaf Evans bears the name and has gained celebrity status over the years. He is a Welsh rally driver that was fairly successful on several attempts. Fans recognize his name and wanted him to become an important figure in his own right. In retirement, he runs a family Ford dealership and maintains ties to the community too.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh boys’ names.