Meaning and Origin of the Name Cenwyn
The meaning of Cenwyn is very simple and comes from the second half of the name, or Gwyn, and it is “white” or “pure.” Cenwyn is a simple male name that is easy to spell and pronounce and that has a simple meaning.
Popularity of the Name
The popularity of the name boy’s name Cenwyn is not great in Wales and when a list of the 100 most popular baby names was put out in 2017, it was not included.
The popularity of Cenwyn isn’t anything notable but there are still people out there representing this name in a big way.
Famous People with the Name
The name Cenwyn was given to a few notable people, though, and many know Cenwyn Brain, a former member of the Welsch psychedelic folk and alternative rock band Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci. Another famous Cenwyn is Cenwyn Edwards, who was the executive producer for many TV series and documentaries, including The Celts and Pirates.
Useful Resources
Discove the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names.