Meaning and Origin of the Name Deri
The name Deri is of Welsh origin, being the plural of dar, meaning an oak tree. Hence the meaning of Deri is oak trees.

Unsurprisingly, the name is shared by a river and village in Wales, likely indicating the foliage nearby, not to mention it serves as the last name of various individuals of Israeli and European Jewish origin, though in the latter case this is likely derived from a different etymology altogether.
The popularity of Deri seems to be quite low in Wales and elsewhere, as information regarding the name is itself scarce, not to mention that according to some of the latest statistics from the government of the United Kingdom, Deri did not manage to find itself in the list of the hundred most popular names for baby boys in England as recently as 2017. The ethno-linguistic differences between Wales and other constituent countries could explain this discrepancy.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names.