Meaning and Origin of the Name Edwyn
The name Edwyn is masculine and English in origin. Edwyn is derived from the Old English Anglo Saxon form of Eadwine and has been in use since the 13th century. The Welsh meaning of Edwyn means wealthy friend.
Other spellings and forms of Edwyn include the German meaning of Edwyn, happy friend. Derivatives of Edwin include Ed, Edy, or Eddy.
Popular in the mid 1800’s to early 1900’s, Edwyn ranked in the top 100 as it became increasingly used in Britain and Wales. Nowadays, the popularity of Edwyn is rare, typically not showing up below the 400 mark.
Edwyn has been gaining popularity gradually over the last two decades especially in the Yorkshire and Humber areas. Wales follows behind these two areas in third place.
Famous People Named Edwyn

Notable famous persons with the name Edwyn include, 1980’s Scottish musician Edwyn Collins, famous for his hit “A Girl Like You”.
Edwyn Bevan famous Historian and British Philosopher. Edwyn Gray, British Author focusing on naval writings and short stories.
Edwyn ap Gwriad, the Welsh King of Gwent from 1015 – 1045. He was blinded and imprisoned by his predecessor.
Useful Resources
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