The Boy’s Name Elgar
The name Elgar is a rare Welsh name that originated in Drefelgarn in Pembrokeshire. It was created before the 1000s and comes from the the baptismal surname Elgar, which means “the sons of Algar” (Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames).
Meanings of Elgar
One meaning of Elgar is spearman (Warrior). Other meanings of Elgar are shining spear and elf spear.
The Popularity of Elgar
In 2017 (the latest government stats), the name Elgar was not included in the 100 most popular names for baby boys in Wales. Worldwide, is the 65,347th most used given name with around 1600 hundred people named Elgar (0.001% of the world’s population).
Elgar is the 180,052th most common surname in the world, with 2,354 persons bearing the last name. People with the surname Elgar are mostly concentrated in the United Kingdom.
Famous People Named Elgar

Famous people named Elgar are:
- Sir Edward Elgar (b.1857) an English Composer,
- Elgar Johnson, Fashion Director at British GQ Style,
- Elgar Howarth (b. 1935) an English Conductor, Composer, and Trumpeter,
- and Elgar Watts (b. 1985) a South African Rugby Union Player .
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names.