Meaning and Origin of the Name Evan
Evan is a popular boy’s name in Wales. The name is short and sweet, with a strong, masculine sound. Originally, Evan/Evander originated from the Greek name Εὔανδρος.
The related name Evander means “to bring good news,”. So Evan can be thought of as a positive and strong name.

The surname name Evans (a popular surname in Wales) is derived from the Welsh for “son of Evan.”.
Evan is a popular name in Wales and was in the top 100 boys’ names in 2021. This name reached the height of 72nd position where 49 babies were given this name (source ONS).
Famous People with the Name Evan
There are some really famous notable people called Evan.
Evan Williams, founder of the Internet service provider and online community known as the “Weird Web.’ In his teen years, he lived in Denver; Colorado worked as a computer programmer at a Long Island naval base. His early free time was spent surfing the beaches of Montauk.
Evan Price is known for his music and art. He has worked with the Seattle-based band God Deluxe and Swedish producer, Rixe. Together they have created several remixes and other tracks.
Evan Roberts was a Welsh religious leader in the late 1800s. He is credited with starting the era of mass religious revivals in Britain. He is the most thrilling and powerful evangelist Wales has ever produced.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names.