The Origin of the Name Gawain

Gawain is the nephew of King Arthur if you believe in that sort of legend, and you should be aware that the name does not have a specific meaning other than Gawain was the nephew of the king.
You might want to give your kid this name because you love the legend, or it might have a much deeper meaning for you if you really look into the name when giving it.
Meaning of Gawain
The name Gawain means that the person carrying that name is brave and righteous. The knight from the legend always does the right thing, and he has a history of doing good in the face of evil. He led his own council of knights who did amazing things, and he was the nephew of one of the greatest rulers in history.
Why Choose this Name?
This is a great middle name because you might want to carry on a legacy of using Arthurian names for your kids. Also, you might want to use it if you believe that it has a tinge of the Welsh and Celtic names that you might have considered in the past. Anyone who loves history should look closer at this name before dismissing it out of hand.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names on our website.