
Huw Baby Name

Huw is a popular male name especially in Wales. Discover the meaning, origin and popularity of this name.

The some reports indicate that the name Huw is German by origin, there is also another train of thought that suggests that Huw is related to the name Hywel.


Huw pronunciation is “HEW”, so it is said much like the related names of Hugh and Hue, only with a different spelling. The meaning of Huw is said to be soul, so when someone names their child Huw it can be said they are giving them their soul.

History of the Name

Although the name Huw is German, it is most commonly used in Wales and found throughout the rest of the UK, although the spelling might be different in different areas of the United Kingdom.


Huw was not in the top 100 baby names in Wales in 2012.

Famous People Called Huw

There are a small number of famous individuals throughout the history of Wales who have had the name Huw . One individual, Huw Stephens, is a Welsh radio broadcaster on the BBC. Huw Wheldon also served as a BBC broadcaster and eventually an executive in the company, although he has since passed away just over 25 years ago. Third, an other Welsh man, Huw Edwards is a BAFTA award journalist who also works for the BBC, while also producing content in a freelance nature as well.


For anyone who is looking for a unique and original baby name that is not likely going to be used heavily, Huw is an excellent name that is able to provide a desirable and classy name.

Useful Resources

  • Our comprehensive list of Welsh Boy’s names
  • Expecting a baby and looking for  Great Offers on baby products?

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