Ioan Name
Ioan is a Welsh boy’s name and it is well known throughout the World especially because of the Hollywood A-list celebrity Ioan Gruffudd who appeared in the moves ‘Black Hawk Down’ and ‘King Arthur’.
Meaning of Ioan
Ioan is the Welsh name for John meaning ‘to be gracious’ (or Yahweh is Gracious).
Popularity of Ioan
Ioan was the 70th most common baby boy’s name in Wales in 2017 making it the 8th most popular traditional Welsh baby’s name.
Pronunciation of Ioan
Ioan is pronounced as ‘YO-an’.
Famous People
Here is a list of a few people with the 1st name Ioan. If you know any more famous people called Ioan please post your comments below:
The Hollywood actor Ioan Gruffudd Ioan Gruffudd – is a Hollywood A-List actor from Aberdare who has starred in many blockbusters including the Titanic, Black Hawk Down and The Fantastic Four.
- Ioan Meredith – is a Welsh actor who has mainly worked on television productions.
- Ioan Evan – was from Llanelli and was a Labour politician and member of parliament in the late 1960s.
Looking for a name for your baby? See our Welsh Names for Boys page.
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