History and Origin of the Name Marc
Marc Antony is probably one fo the most famous men in the history of the world, and he had a love affair with one fo the most famous women in all of the world. His name is tied to Cleopatra, but there is so much more that you can find out about this name.
The name Marc comes from Marcus, and the meaning of Marc comes from Mars the god of war. That means that this boy is a fighter that you must watch carefully, and you have to be sure that you have figured out how you can get this boy to take on that name and use it for his best. Life.
Marc was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in Wales in 2016.
Famous People with the Name

You can see that the popularity of Marc has not really wavered, and it is one that a lot of parents use for their kids. You can see it in the singer Marc Anthony, and you can see it in the author Mark Twina.
Unfortutely there are not too many famous Welsh people with the name Marc however, other popular Marcs include Marc Jacobs the American fashion designer and Marc Bolan who was the lead singer of the band T-Rex.
Traits of People Called Marc
It makes a lot of sense for you to choose this name so that your boy can have a powerful name, and you will find out that you can get some things that will make your kid’s life better. They feel powerful and strong with this name.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and origin of other Welsh boys’ names.