Meaning and Origin of the Name Meurig

Meurig is a boy’s name that means that the skin tone is dark. The meaning behind name Meurig is “Moor”.
Meurig goes back in history from Wales back to several Welsh kings during the late 600 AD.
It is a name of ethnic origin, resulting from the Latin word “Maurus”. The meaning of Meurig is it belongs to the people of the Moors, who lived in a territory of Africa.
The name Meurig is a Welsh baby name. People with this name from a Welsh view is that it leans to start events, and a leader with strong behaviors. For example, during ancient times around 470 AD, Meurig ap Tewdrig was a king of the early Welsh kingdoms of Gwent.
The popularity of Meurig is that it focuses on new artistic ideas with certain goals to be met with determination and being effective when a goal is met. Meurig Bowen, who is a British arts director, specializes with a large range of experience in orchestral programming and festivals in Wales.
The name Meurig is to be aggressive and courageous. It is meant for people who are proud and unique.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names.