Origin of the Name Morlais
The name Morlais is a boy’s name that is from the Welsh origin. The name comes from the Moralis river.
Meaning of Morlais
The meaning of Morlais has been reported to be ‘song of the sea’ (m^or meaning sea and llais meaning voice). However, other research has rejected this interpretation.

Popularity of Morlais
The second oldest person named Morlais is recorded in September 24,1893. Between 1880 and 2017, less than five babies were named Morlais.
Famous Places Called Morlais
Morlais River
In the small village of Cross Hands is located in South Wales. Afron Morlais River is a small river that is a tributary of River Loughor. Morlais River is one of many rivers in Carmarthenshire.
Morlais Castle
The Morlais Castle was built in the 13th century. The castle is located above Taff Gorge in the vicinity of Merthyr Tydfidl in Wales. There isn’t much of the castle left today because of a war that broke out between the Earls in 1290. Madog ap Llewelyn had captured the castle that had never completed constructed on castle. The location of the castle was too remote to become a suitable residence.
Useful Resources
Discover the meaning and popularity of other Welsh boys’ names.