Meaning and Origin of the Name Niclas
The name Niclas is a Welsh variant of the name Nicholas based on the Greek name Nickolaos. The meaning of Niclas in Greek is Victory of the People, and later in history was associated with the words stone and rock in Greek mythology.
Niclas was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in Wales in 2020. The Worldwide estimated popularity of Niclas peaked in 1998 and then dropped radically to below the top thousand boy’s names.
Famous People Called Niclas
Among the famous having the name, Niclas is
- Thomas Evans Nicholas (Niclas Y Glais) who was a Welsh poet and protester supporting society’s disadvantaged.
- Niclas Alexandersson was born in1971 and is a blond, blue-eyed Swedish football player.
- Niclas Parry is a Welsh judge, who defended persons charged in a famous case of sex abuse.
- Sain Nicolas is a Welsh village in the Vale of Glamorgan, 7 miles from the Capital City Cardiff.

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