

The name Pedr is a Welsh masculine version of the name Peter.

Eglwys Sant Pedr in Machynlleth
Eglwys Sant Pedr in Machynlleth

Meaning of Pedr

The meaning of Pedr means rock or stone in the Welsh origin. Some other sources say Pedr is Welsh for daffodil. The daffodil is the Wales national flower.

Popularity of Pedr

Pedr ranks in the 75,764 in the Welsh boys’ name. Less than 1 percent of the Welsh people are naming their sons Pedr. Peter is cennin Pedr. Although Pedr is listed in the Welsh bible, the name is not in the top 100 boys’ names in 2019 or 2020. Less than three percent of the world population have celebrities named Pedr.

Famous People Named Pedr

Pedr James is a British television producer, director, whose career began in the 1970s and lasted until 2000. From the 1970s to the 1980s, he produced the soap opera, Brookside. In 1996, James directed television dramas until he became Head of Television Drama before he retired.

Useful Resouces

Dicover the meaning and origin of other Welsh boys’ names on our website.