Name Arwel
Arwel is a popular Welsh boy’s name in Wales. On this page you’ll find information about the name including its meaning, popularity and famous people with the name Arwel.
Meaning of the Name
Arwel is a Welsh word that means prominent.
Popularity of Arwel
Arwel is a common name in Wales although it’s not currently in the top 100 baby boys names in Wales according to the latest statistics.
Famous People with the Name Arwel
Here is a list of a few people with the name Arwel.
- Arwel Thomas – was a Welsh rugby player and TV pundit
- Arwel Wyn Jones – Is a Welsh television production designer who has worked on many BBC programmes including Dr Who.
- Arwel Richards – Welsh business man and journalist
If you know of other people who should be included in the list post your comments at the bottom of this page.
See our list of comprehensive Welsh boy’s names this is ideal if you are looking for a Welsh name for your baby.